Each of our publications aims to educate policymakers and the public about freedom and good government.
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AAI Publications
How To Bring Tax Relief and Tax Reform to Arkansas. A toolkit for reforming Arkansas’s tax policies and tax code.
Twenty Questions (and Answers) about Issue 1 and Tort Reform. A short but comprehensive evaluation of the recent attempt to reform Arkansas’s civil justice system.
The Action Plan for Arkansas. This book contains an issue-by-issue blueprint to reduce the size and state government and to transform Arkansas into a land of opportunity.​​
Discussions of occupational licensing reform from a variety of perspectives: legislative, regulatory, and judicial.
Appellate Judicial Candidates on the Issues. How candidates for the bench understand the law.
Arkansas Freedom Scorecards for 88th, 89th, 90th and 91st legislative sessions. Quantitative accounts of how each legislator’s voting record advanced freedom and good government in four previous legislative sessions.
External Publications
The research described below has no formal connection to the Advance Arkansas Institute; however, each report was authored or coauthored by an AAI associate. These papers were published by a variety of outlets, including the U.S. Department of Labor, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Institute for Free Speech, the Federalist Society, and the University of Illinois-Chicago Law Review.
Anti-SLAPP Statutes: A Report Card. A national survey of anti-SLAPP statutes – that is, statutes which prevent abuse of the legal system by providing additional defenses to those who are sued for exercising their First Amendment rights.
“Regulating Glamour: A Quantitative Analysis of the Health and Safety Training of Appearance Professionals.” A national survey of licensing regulations for barbers, cosmetologists, and nail technicians – and an analysis of how little these regulations have to do with health and safety.
“They’re Taking My Stuff!”: What You Need to Know about Seizure and Forfeiture. A guidebook for citizens and policymakers about how government can take your property.
Don’t Confuse the Platform with the Train: The Case Against Regulating Social Media Companies as Common Carriers. This paper describes the many problems that common carrier regulation of social media companies would create, arguing that a regulatory framework of private property, free markets, and individual rights has better consequences for consumers and the public.
Military Spouse License Recognition: A Guide to State Legislation. A national survey of the rights possessed by military spouses to interstate license recognition, as codified in state legislation.
Five Myths of Civil Forfeiture. Civil forfeiture has generated its own mythology. This study counters those myths with facts.
State and Local Pensions: The Case for Fundamental Reforms. This paper describes the nature and origins of the widespread underfunding of state and local pension systems, as well as the impact of that underfunding on the retirement security of the nation’s workforce.
Occupational Licensing Run Wild. This paper discusses the expansive scope of occupational licensing, explains the many costs that a broad scope occupational licensing creates, and discusses possible avenues for reform and rollback of licensing regimes.
Ten Reforms to Spur Coronavirus Recovery. This paper proposes 10 regulatory reforms designed to guide the nation out of a coronavirus-induced recession.
Checks, Balances, and Emergencies. This paper describes the emergency management acts of various states, which typically redistribute legislative and regulatory powers to state chief executives in the event of emergencies. The paper argues that EMAs need procedural reforms in order to ensure accountability, preserve constitutional norms, and foster better decision-making.
Why Cops Should Be Chasing the Bad Guys, Not the Big Bucks. A former prosecutor explains how civil forfeiture undermines America’s criminal justice system.

The publications described above are a selection of our work, not a comprehensive list.