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Wills: ‘What We’ve Got Here Is Failure to Communicate’

Updated: Apr 14

Here’s the score: Wills announced yesterday he was changing the name of the “House Information Office” to the “House Communications Office,” and he contracted with a private vendor to provide communication and advocacy services for the House leadership.

Media watchers and House Republicans object to Wills’ high-handedness and have kicked up an uproar. (Arkansas Project contributor Rep. Dan Greenberg’s holding a press conference to discuss what’s wrong with the scheme at the Capitol at 3 p.m.)

Wills is paying the contractor, Craig Douglass, a monthly sum of $5,000 plus a additional 15 percent commission for additional contracting work, plus expenses.

In the interest of cleaning up this mess, I’m going to put myself forth to help Wills out, and I’ll only demand $2,500 per month for my services, which will mostly entail me sitting around the office and smacking Robbie upside the head with a rolled-up magazine every time he comes up with another stupid-ass idea like this.

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