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U.S. Chamber Endorses Pryor

Updated: Apr 15

OK, I’m not going to lie to you—it’s so far looking like a slow news day out there, with the state’s ruling class having a grand old time in Denver, but we’ll see what we can dig up for you.

Sen. Mark Pryor

Sen. Mark Pryor

Hey, here’s something: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce will endorse Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas for re-election, says the National Journal.

Not exactly an act of courage, given that Pryor faces only a Green Party candidate, who seems like a nice person but whose name I couldn’t remember and had to Google (It’s Rebekah Kennedy). And given the fact that Pryor supports the union-backed card check bill that the Chamber declares—in the same story—they are seeking to defeat. But, whatever, I’m kinda scraping for material over here.

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