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Stuff From Around Arkansas, March 27

Updated: Apr 15

Run, Gilbert, Run?

Baker on Senate: Blogger Jason Tolbert’s been a little quiet this week, but he’s back with a vengeance with exclusive video of Arkansas Sen. Gilbert Baker addressing the question, Will you challenge Sen. Blanche Lincoln? Hurry, click the link for the answer! (The Tolbert Report)

Darkness Falls: Arkansas Capitol and other state landmarks will go dark for “Earth Hour” on Saturday night in a pointless display to raise awareness of global climate change. (AP)

Sin of Commission: Two incoming Arkansas lottery commissioners voted against the lottery amendment when it was on the ballot last fall. (AP)

Team Players: These liberal groups running ads to pressure Sen. Mark Pryor and other moderates into voting for President Obama’s budget are “not very helpful,” thank you very much, Pryor says. (Politico)

Domestic Disturbance: GOP Rep. Bryan King’s dumb bill to ban domestic partner registry in Eureka Springs flops. And you know what? I’m with Max Brantley for once. Give it a rest. (Arkansas Times)

Jobhopping: Arkansas unemployment rate creeps up, thereby increasing the odds that you’re only reading these blogs all day to ease the pain of your jobless existence, you loser. (AP)

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