All Dressed Up: Hey, check it out, there’s a new look for The Tolbert Report blog that is slightly less offensive to the eye! He’s changing the URL, too, so update your browser bookmarks accordingly. (The Tolbert Report)
12 Step: Yay, now that Arkansas has a lottery, we’re also going to get to spend a few hundred thousand extra on gambling addiction programs — to help people who get addicted to the lottery. I’m just going to let that sink in for a bit. (Arkansas News Bureau)
Defiance: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette columnist/bully George Arnold thinks he can kick sand in the faces of GOP lawmakers who voted against the cigarette tax hike…but he didn’t count on Rep. Duncan Baird fighting back. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)
Concordance: I think we may have found a Max Brantley policy proposal that I can get on board with. Sunday package alcohol sales? Yes, that’ll do nicely, thank you very much. (Arkansas Times blog)
Fin: Oh, look, the Oscars are finally over, so we won’t have to listen to Blake Rutherford squeal girlishly about the “Best Sound Editing” presentation for another year. (Blake’s Think Tank) Lance Turner is almost as bad, but at least he has the sense to include hot photos of Kate Winslet. Like I do right there. (Lance Turner’s Unimaginatively Titled Blog)