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Stuff from Around Arkansas, February 2

Updated: Apr 15

House Speaker Robert "Robbie" Wills

Reading List: House Speaker Robert “Robbie” Wills says the lottery bill may be 100 pages long, thereby ensuring that the odds The Arkansas Project would even thinking about reading it are exactly zero. You win this round, Wills. (Arkansas News Bureau)

Doc Hawkins Watch: Columnist David Sanders weighs in on militant anti-smoking crusader Dan “Doc” Hawkins, PhD, Gov. Mike Beebe’s new spokesman on tobacco issues. (Arkansas News Bureau)

High on Life: GOP lawmakers suggest random drug testing for recipients of public assistance in Arkansas. But that doesn’t apply to bloggers, right? What, why am I asking? Oh, uh, no reason. (Arkansas News Bureau)

Crank: Blogging columnist (blogumnist?) John Brummett completes his metamorphosis into the Andy Rooney of Arkansas media. (Brummett’s blog)

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