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Stuff from Around Arkansas, February 18 (Updated!)

David Kinkade

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Inspect This: Do you miss the pain and inconvenience of annual vehicle inspections? Great news, then! Rep. Stephanie Flowers has introduced a bill to bring ’em back! This hasn’t gotten much coverage, probably because no one thinks it’s going anywhere this session, but keep an eye on it — it’ll be back. (CapSearch Insiders’ blog)

Upstart: Freshman Rep. John Burris suggests full House discussion of lottery and is promptly smacked down by Speaker Robert “Robbie” Wills because all such discussions of public business are to be handled in private. (Arkansas News Bureau)

Day of Worship: Bill Clinton’s in town talking to the legislature, so expect state Democrats to be all gay and breathless for the rest of the day. (AP)

Not in the Cards?: Are Blue Dog Democrats defecting from support for union-backed card check legislation? Columnist David Sanders suggests that all signs point to ‘yes,’ if Rep. Marion Berry’s recent alleged discussions with state business leaders are any indication. (Arkansas News Bureau)***

Mr. Sunshine: Hey, look, Greenberg finally won one! Be free, Information, be free! (Benton Courier)

Roughshod: A Conway shoe factory is shutting down, which explains all those elves sitting around the coffee shop this morning combing through the classifieds. (Talk Business)


***UPDATE: With regard to Mr. Sanders’ bit on the Blue Dog Democrats and the card check stuff, the K. Ryan James blog is pulling together some additional strands, noting a report that the Blue Dogs are telling the Senate “You show me yours first.


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