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Stuff from Around Arkansas, Dec. 11

David Kinkade

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Quick hits from all over:

Labor Pains: Arkansas contractors like the looks of an almost certainly terrible multi-billion dollar stimulus package that will boost infrastructure construction, but still don’t like unions. Also, they’re asking if they can receive payment not by U.S. Treasury check, but by a big bag of cash with a dollar sign printed on the side. (Arkansas News Bureau)

The Unbearable Lightness of Beebe, Yet Again: This will shock you, but Gov. Mike Beebe just doesn’t know what to think about these annual sessions for the legislature. I’m surprised he’s able to get out of bed in the morning, being so constantly paralyzed by indecision. (AP)

Debate Squad

Huck and Stewart Marriage Debate: Much attention in recent days to video of Mike Huckabee and Jon Stewart debating gay marriage on “The Daily Show.” There are at least four nouns in that last sentence that bore me to death. Guess which ones. Max Brantley’s got the goods. (Arkansas Times)

Will They Revoke His Library Card?: A Fayetteville man is jailed for allegedly looking at child pornography on a computer at the public library. So apparently it turns out you’re not supposed to do that. (Morning News of NWA)

He’s Got Issues!: Blogging Baxter Co. Republican Bill Smith wants to know why there’s no focus on issues in the coming race for GOP chair. That sounds awful ambitious to me, but then I’m usually impressed when the state GOP remembers to pay the light bill in any given month, so I may not be the guy to ask. (ARRA News Service)


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