Checkmate: Ha ha, Sen. Blanche Lincoln just thought she was gonna get that card check monkey off her back. (Arkansas News Bureau)
Meme-Watch: Meanwhile, here’s the AP’s Andrew Demillo with the latest entry in the “Is Blanche Lincoln in trouble?” meme-stakes. (AP)
The Next Generation: The Duggar family’s empire building continues—first grandchild is on the way. (AP)
Cup o’ Tea: The City Wire details a Fort Smith Tea Party tax protest demonstration scheduled for April 15. (Fort Smith)
Just Let It Go: Oh, for God’s sake. Does anyone who didn’t actually work at the Arkansas Gazette, which closed 18 YEARS AGO, still care? Seriously? (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)
Fever Pitch: Look who else has caught the digital fever! Columnist David Sanders republishes some of his recent Twitter activity in his Sunday space, in what is easily the most devastating argument we’ve seen yet against Twitter as a channel for delivering meaningful content. (Arkansas News Bureau)