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David Kinkade

Snyder to Head HHS?

Updated: Apr 15

Mr. Secretary? Sure, why the hell not.

With an unexpected leadership vaccum at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (ha ha ha, you suck, Tom Daschle), President Barack Obama now has to find a new secretary candidate to throw to the sharks in the Senate. Talking Points Memo floats a list of names….which includes Arkansas’ own legislatin’ doc, Rep. Vic Snyder!

Granted, they say he’s a dark horse and pretty much take it back as soon as they float the name, but this is The Arkansas Project and the worst blog in the entire state so let’s get that rumor started: “Sources in Washington D.C. say that U.S. Rep. Vic Snyder is under consideration to head HHS.” Hey, this is fun!

Bonus fun: Now, start speculating wildly amongst yourselves as to who will take his place in the Arkansas Second District Congressional seat.

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