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Sanders: Rough Weather Ahead for Gov?

Updated: Apr 15

One potential obstacle: The Governor’s Commission on Global Warming, which is going to return a set of recommendations that Beebe’s business constituency will almost certainly find objectionable. Sanders writes:

There is a good chance that you’ll not be able to play both sides of many issues in the not-so-distant future. Plunging state revenues, thanks to the economic slowdown, will undoubtedly require you to make decisions that carry political consequences. I know you’ll have one test.Your so-called commission on global warming, which bears your name, wants to tell Arkansans what kind of car or truck they can drive, while raising taxes and spending billions of dollars trying to curb green house gases. You’ll have to shut that down, which will anger your party’s growing left wing.

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette took Beebe to task for his avoidance of staking out positions on controversial issues here.

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