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David Kinkade

Paging Central Arkansas Technology Gurus, Nerds

Updated: Apr 15

Arkansas Project publisher David Kinkade demonstrates his technical acuity by adjusting his blogging machine computator.

Hey, it looks like all eyes are on the big tobacco tax hike vote, which is the biggest news story in the whole world (of Arkansas politics) today. So in patented Arkansas Project fashion, let’s talk about something completely irrelevant.

I’ve been talking of late with Cotton Rohrscheib, an area software wizard/web guru, who’s interested in getting together a group of folks in central Arkansas with an interest in web and technology issues for education and networking purposes. He’s looking at holding regular meetings (weekly and/or monthly) to bring everyone together to share ideas, listen to guest speakers, and perhaps compete against one another in some kind of underground “fight club” as a way to release our repressed aggression. Sounds fun!

It’s not limited to technical genius types, which should be obvious by the fact that Cotton is allowing someone like me to be involved. And I think the overall networking angle of the group will be strengthened by having a mix of people with shared interests, rather than narrowing participation to people with intense technical backgrounds.

You can learn more about the Central Arkansas Refresh Community at Cotton’s blog, and go here to join the Facebook group, which will be our primary organizing tool. As we move toward an inaugural meeting in the next couple of weeks, I’ll be sure to remind here on The Arkansas Project.

We’ll return to regularly scheduled buffoonery presently.

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