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Nic Horton

Mike Ross: “It’s Been Fun, But I Gotta Go!”

Updated: Apr 13

U.S. Rep. Mike Ross, who has ruled Arkansas’ mighty Fourth District with an iron fist since 2001, announced today he won’t run for re-election, to the surprise of all.

Ross was the last man standing among Arkansas Democrats in the state’s House delegation following the 2010 elections, and he was shaping up to be a top target for the GOP in 2012.

Just last week, the GOP group Crossroads GPS bought more than $127,000 in ads critical of Ross. If you’re not sure, that’s a hell of a lot of money to spend in July of a non-election year.

Were the Crossroads ads the determining factor in Ross’s decision? Since we have no idea, let’s just say “yes” and be done with it. But stand by, because he might just run for governor yet!

Meanwhile, the Tolbert Report indicates that Republicans Tom Cotton (who stepped aside from a planned challenge to U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln in 2010, a decision he probably rues to this day), Rep. Lane Jean and Beth Ann Rankin (who challenged Ross in 2010) are all exploring runs (or at least being mentioned as potential candidates) for what will now be an open seat.

UPDATE: Oh, Roby Brock, we know we can always look to you for a comprehensive listing of the names of every underqualified egomaniac credible candidate who’s rumored to be eyeing the seat. Let’s all go look!

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