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Daniel Greenberg

Max Brantley, Dancing As Fast As He Can

Updated: Apr 15

Over at the Arkansas Times blog, Max Brantley notes:

The gun crowd has gone berserk in Tennessee because The Commercial Appeal in Memphis has posted on-line the names of all holders of concealed weapon permits in the state. It’s a public record. The list in Arkansas is public record, too. Care to see it?

Max’s glee in communicating public information wasn’t in evidence a week or two ago, when my bill to make the criminal records of public officials available to the public came before the House Judiciary Committee. At that point, Max said that that bill “simply has an aura of meanness.” (Of course, he’s hardly the only person who didn’t like the idea; the bill got voted down by the House Friday.)

What drives Max’s shifting moods on the freedom of public information? Is it just a matter of what he had for breakfast that day?

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