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Huckabee Show: Why So Stealthy?

David Kinkade

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

The New York Post asks a pertinent question about the new “Huckabee” political/variety show: What’s the big secret? Other than a post on Mike Huckabee’s website on Wednesday evening, there’s been no advance promotion for the show from FOX News. Network honchos are mum and refer questions to Huck’s agent.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Nice view.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Nice view.

The Arkansas Project picked up on the announcement yesterday. The AP’s Andrew Demillo and Stephens Media’s Aaron Sadler both sought to advance the story, but have so far dug up nothing more than the fact that conservative cutie and “The View” co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck will be the first guest.

What gives? It’s a TV show, not the Manhattan Project. Anyway, watch the magic unfurl on Saturday evening at 7 p.m. Central on FOX News.

In other Huck news, I agree wholeheartedly with Huckabee that McCain’s “campaign suspension” gambit is a mistake, as he says in this AP story. If there’s some sort of strategic brilliance at play behind this move, I’m still not seeing it, and I’m speaking as a bona fide McCain supporter. Got the bumper sticker on my car and everything.



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