David Ferguson of Conduit For Action has made a great discovery: he’s finally cracked the code for how legislative candidates can be both for and against Obamacare in Arkansas. This great news should relieve the electoral heartburn of Republican supporters of Arkansas-Obamacare across the state! According to Ferguson, all candidates need to do in order to both oppose and support Obamacare is demonstrate that:
The federal government must have lied when they say on their website that Arkansas expanded Medicaid
A multitude of maps showing Medicaid expansion states must all be wrong because each shows Arkansas as a Medicaid expansion state
It must have been a pure coincidence that the private option and Obamacare Medicaid Expansion both cover families up to 138% of the federal poverty level
Some unknown mysterious law must exist for Arkansas to get approval for the private option, since the only known authorization to expand to 138% and have the feds to pay for most of it comes from Obamacare Medicaid expansion
This truly ground-breaking paper is a must-read for private-option junkies everywhere. Get your copy here.