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David Kinkade

Health Care Smackdown: Cox Vs. Moritz

Updated: Apr 14

Arkansas Business editor Gwen Moritz name-checks the Arkansas Project in this op-ed response to a post from a couple of weeks back by our own Cory Allen Cox.

Cory waded into the health care reform debate by examining the behavior of medical providers in offering care to his dying sister—he argued that that their efforts represent what is best in the existing system. But Moritz says “not so fast,” and suggests that the Cox family’s experience is an argument for greater government intervention in the health care system. She writes:

Yes, I’m talking about another socialistic government program like the most wildly popular ones we already have. Just as Social Security and Medicare have saved hundreds of millions from destitute old age without destroying the fabric of American capitalism, mandatory catastrophic health insurance could save millions of families from overwhelming medical bills without turning the United States into Britain. This country can’t afford for ideology to trump practicality on something as vital as health insurance.

Who will emerge the victor in this epic and wordy confrontation? Compare and contrast.

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