In what has become a familiar refrain, the latest numbers on the 2010 U.S. Senate race in Arkansas continue to show Sen. Blanche Lincoln faring poorly. Survey results released today by Rasmussen show Lincoln trailing in head-to-head match-ups against Republicans Gilbert Baker, Curtis Coleman, Tom Cox and Kim Hendren.
Rasmussen also shows that Arkansas voters’ enthusiasm for the health care reform proposals coming out of Washington D.C. are tepid. Full report over here if you feel like going to pick over the whole thing in detail, or you can just be like me and look at the headline and move on, because there’s been entirely too many damn polls already and we’ve still got 11 months of this to go.
And it probably doesn’t help matters for Lincoln much when former Democratic presidential hopeful and national committee chair Howard Dean goes on MSNBC and talks up a potential primary challenge to the state’s senior senator. Et tu, Howard?:
Yeah, that probably doesn’t help much.