If you haven’t checked out the Arkansas Project over the weekend, you missed a whole lot of Sarah Palin for VP talk, mostly because there was little else to write about if you didn’t want to talk about the weather.
In fact, I’m so tired of writing about Palin that I may have to declare a moratorium on her unless and until she comes here, since Arkansas is what this blog is supposed to focus on. (Oh, OK, I may have one more thing about her later today).

Is that Minneapolis or St. Paul? Is there a difference?
And supposedly there is a Republican National Convention going on, although all evidence so far points to the contrary. As before, here are some Arkan-centric convention resources on the ground in Minneapolis-St. Paul:
Aaron Sadler with the Stephens Media Washington Bureau is offering blog updates at NWAVote.com along with his daily news reports over at the Arkansas News Bureau site.
Arkansas Project pal Jason Tolbert is an alternate delegate to the convention, and he’s been providing regular updates at his Tolbert Report blog.
Dr. Bill Smith at the ARRA News Service blog is an official blogger at the RNC and has been providing frequent reports.
And here’s a Minneapolis TV station that is providing a live video feed from the convention floor and other wall-to-wall coverage. If you scroll through the “Convention Chatter” feature at the right, you’ll find a few bylines from Arkansas’ own AP reporter Andrew Demillo, doing a little blog-like stuff of his own.