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Flippo Defeats Burris In Senate Runoff, Rutledge Advances To General Election

Updated: Apr 13

We’ll have more tomorrow on the results of tonight’s state Republican runoff elections, but I wanted to pass along these vote totals before calling it a night:

  1. In Senate District 17, businessman Scott Flippo defeated Rep. John Burris by roughly 200 votes

  2. In the Attorney General runoff, Leslie Rutledge defeated David Sterling by roughly 18%

Rutledge will face Democrat Rep. Nate Steel and Libertarian Aaron Cash in the fall. Flippo is unopposed in the fall; he will be the next senator from District 17. In a victory speech in Mountain Home tonight, Flippo told his supporters:

I’ve never felt for a minute that this election was ever about me. It was never about me. This is about us, this about our district, this is about our state — this is about our future.

I’ll have some analysis on the Flippo race tomorrow.

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