Regular readers of this blog, of which there are, uh, several, know that if there are two things I don’t care for, it’s Mike Huckabee’s FOX News Show “Huckabee,” of which I am mildly disapproving because it’s so boring, and smirking comedian Bill Maher, of whom I am wildly disapproving because he’s so smug, unfunny and generally odious.
So as if the gods are mocking me, these two great tastes that don’t taste great together are now to be found in one package. Here’s Maher on “Huckabee” last night talking about his new flick “Religulous” and debating religion with the former governor, who shows remarkable forbearance with the obnoxious funnyman:
The New York Times reviewed “Huckabee” yesterday, along with a new show by comedian D.H. Hughley on CNN, noting that the two networks “developed these shows to cash in on the new, younger viewers drawn to cable news — and political satire — this election year.” I’ve watched “Huckabee” several times, and I’m not entirely sure what “younger viewers” this show is engineered to appeal to. Unless the usual FOX News Saturday night viewer is, like, 90, and they’re trying to rope in that coveted 80-year-old demographic.