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Arkansas Roundup, August 31

Updated: Apr 13

Here’s a look at the news from around the Natural State this week:

Deaf are heard: State Career Education director Bill Walker has finally done the right thing and removed his unqualified hire for a sign language interpreter position. Read the latest on this story from us, The Arkansas Project.

Ethics, schmethicsState Senator Steve Harrelson has been paying his rent with campaign money. How do we know? He admitted it–and he’s been reporting it on his campaign expense reports for three years. Talk Politics has the scoop.

It’s not easy being green: Lt. Gov. Darr penned an op-ed, outlining the importance of economic freedom and the dangers of environmentalism. Predictably, the folks at the Arkansas Times are outraged.

Marijuana mayhem: The Coalition to Preserve Arkansas Values has filed a lawsuit to have Arkansas’ medical marijuana ballot question stricken! More from KARK.

AFP strikes!Americans for Prosperity-Arkansas dropped a round of mailers this week, hitting legislative candidates for their votes on tax hikes.  But of course, they didn’t vote for tax hikes…they voted to “let the people decide”–because apparently governing is too difficult. More from Talk Politics.

Why am I here?: State Retirement director Gail Stone attended one of Rep. Clark Hall’s important committee meetings this week in Little Rock–but “she wasn’t sure exactly why she was there.” Those are her words, not ours. Hear the audio from us, The Arkansas Project.

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