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David Kinkade

Arkansans on the Palin Factor, Part 2

Updated: Apr 15

Following this morning’s round-up of Sarah Palin reactions from old media types, here’s a survey of what’s going on in the Arkansas blogosphere with regard to all things Palin:

The conservative Arkansas Journal blog calls “sexism” on Dem VP hopeful Joe Biden, who noted that Palin is “good looking.” I don’t know if that’s sexist. I thought it was “stating a stone cold fact.”

The Val’s Bien blog up Fayetteville way loved Palin’s use of humor in her acceptance speech, contrasting Palin with the Democratic nominee: “Humor is acutely absent from Obama’s campaign. When I listened to Obama’s speech last week, I couldn’t believe how depressing it was. I swear if the country was as bad as he said it was most people would be committing suicide.”

On the other hand, Steve Harrelson at the Under the Dome blog found the speech a little heavy on “negativity and sarcasm,” but still pronounces himself “impressed.”

Tim Griffin at The Griffin Room blog ponders the question, Does attacking the media work? He says that it’s a strategy that has been used effectively by both Republicans and Democrats (he notes Hillary Clinton’s campaign’s attacks on the press as one example of the latter).

The Red State Conservative blog has a letter being circulated by one Alaskan who’s a huge Palin fan and argues that Palin has been a change agent as governor in the state capital of Juneau.

The conservative Citizens Journal blog is busy seeking a cure for “Palin Derangement Syndrome,” which is causing Palin’s liberal detractors to madly flail about in launching attacks against the Alaskan Governor. Citizens Journal and the liberal Arkansas Tonight blogger, who is mining every anti-Palin vein he can find, should probably just have it out in a steel cage grudge match.

Be sure to visit some of these sites, along with others in the blogroll at the bottom of the page, to see what’s happening out there. Then come back to the Arkansas Project, because I enjoy your company.

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