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AFP Drops Hammer on State Health Insurance Exchange

David Kinkade

Updated: Apr 13, 2024

Our friends at the Arkansas chapter of Americans for Prosperity (AFP) developed this nice video critiquing the push to set up a state health insurance exchange under the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare. Let’s all go watch!:

Much has been made by Obamacare boosters in Arkansas that the state needs to move NOW NOW NOW NO TIME TO DELAY DEAR GOD WE’RE ALREADY BEHIND FOR 2014 to set up its own exchange, lest the feds come up and set up an exchange on our behalf. BOOOOO! But AFP’s Teresa Oelke argues here that, regardless of who’s running the exchange, it’s going to be a federal show, first and foremost.

I know it’s only Monday, but I am hereby declaring it the Video Of The Week. (“A must-see online video that will have audiences cheering for more! Fifty-seven thumbs up!” David Kinkade)


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