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David Kinkade

About That Obama Office…

Updated: Apr 15

The Arkansas Project noted on Tuesday that Barack Obama would be opening his Arkansas campaign office in North Little Rock on Saturday. This didn’t occur to me at the time, but who among the state’s legion of Democratic officeholders will make time to attend the grand opening?

Can we expect to see Gov. Mike Beebe on hand for the proceedings? Senators Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln? Reps. Marion Berry or Mike Ross? A phalanx of Democratic state legislators?

I suppose some of these folks might have had plans to attend or view the Arkansas-Texas game, but that’s been postponed due to Hurricane Ike—so surely some of these guys have a sudden hole in their schedule. Will they show up Saturday to demonstrate their avowed support for Obama/Biden?

Someone should look into this. And by “someone,” I of course mean “someone who’s not me,” because I’m not about to spend my entire Saturday afternoon staking out an office building in North Little Rock. David Sanders, get to work on this!

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