Well, all right, we could have done better — we’ve got a ways to go before we can compete with our friends at the Illinois Policy Institute. But given that there are 60 or so think tanks in our professional organization, we feel like we’re doing OK. According to a new ranking issued by The Frontier Lab, we are #6 in the State Policy Network for social media in the month of February!
Here’s some of what they had to say about our work:
The Advance Arkansas Institute is a great example… they have turned their social media into a news feed of action in the state legislature. This makes them a vital resource for activists, legislators, and lobbyists who may not expect to get all of their breaking news from AAI, but who want to hear the conservative perspective on the news. That is AAI’s unique place in the Arkansas policy world, and they are leveraging it effectively.
We have no idea how the ranking is calculated, but apparently we have impressed some folks, so we’re happy about that.
(FYI: for those of you that don’t know, The Arkansas Project is an affiliate of the Advance Arkansas Institute.)
Now that you know all of this good news, of course you are going to want to go over to the AAI Facebook page and ‘like’ it.
While you’re on Facebook, go ‘like’ The Arkansas Project page as well where we are posting frequent and important updates from the capitol that you don’t want to miss.
And finally, you can also follow AAI on Twitter (@AdvanceAR) and myself (@nhhorton).
There’s no time like the present and who wouldn’t want to join the 6th best social media network in the think tank world? Seriously.
(On a serious note: thank you all for your continued support in helping us build our social media network. I have been putting in a lot of extra time the past few weeks to keep everyone up to date with news and analysis from the capitol — but I haven’t done it alone. So many of you have shared our page, shared our updates, and retweeted us. We are very grateful to you. Now, full speed ahead — we’ve got a lot of work to do to reach #1!)