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Dan Greenberg can be reached at or (501) 588-4245.


The Advance Arkansas Institute is led by Dan Greenberg; he is a senior attorney at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. His research focuses primarily on criminal justice and regulatory reform. He served as senior policy advisor at the U.S. Department of Labor from 2017-2021. 


He has been an adjunct professor of law and political science at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock as well as senior counsel for the Center for Class Action Fairness. He served in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 2007-2011, and on the Pulaski County Quorum Court for four years prior to that. As a state legislator, he received National Review’s “2010 Challenge / Best Conservative Idea” award for his work on federalism issues as well as the Arkansas Press Association’s Freedom of Information Award for his work on First Amendment issues.


During the 1990s, he served as a congressional staffer for Congressman Jay Dickey and Tim Hutchinson before moving to the Heritage Foundation and then to the Cato Institute. He has published extensively on government and public policy in newspapers, magazines and academic journals, including the New York Times, National Review, the Monist, the John Marshall Law Review, and the Ohio State Law Journal.  He holds degrees from Brown University, Bowling Green State University, and UALR’s Bowen School of Law.

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