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The Arkansas Project was launched in 2008 as a source for incisive commentary and reporting on Arkansas government, politics, media and more. In 2011, The Arkansas Project became an affiliate of the Advance Arkansas Institute. The Arkansas Project supplied daily commentary until 2019, but is now largely inactive.
David Kinkade was the chief writer and the editor of The Arkansas Project until 2011. After the site became affiliated with the Advance Arkansas Institute, Dan Greenberg was editor of The Arkansas Project until it became inactive in 2019. During that eight-year period, the writers for the site included Nic Horton, Marc Kilmer, and Caleb Taylor.

Nic Horton
Apr 8, 20132 min read
New Poll Shows Plurality Less Likely to Support “Private Option,” Oppose Medicaid Expansion
Today, as the Advance Arkansas Institute kicks off their Medicaid town hall tour across the state, AAI has released a new scientific poll...

Nic Horton
Apr 5, 20132 min read
“Private Option” Clears First Hurdle in Senate, But Fight Is Just Beginning
This morning, by a vote of 24-9, the Senate passed SB1020 or the “private option” version of Medicaid expansion. Two members did not...

Nic Horton
Apr 4, 20131 min read
AFP on Medicaid: ‘Take Time To Get It Right’
Our friends at AFP-Arkansas have released a new ad against the Medicaid “private option.” You should take 30 seconds to watch it because,...

Nic Horton
Apr 3, 20135 min read
Speaker Carter: ‘We Have Always Been at War with Eastasia’
Yesterday afternoon, in an act of courage, Congressman Rick Crawford released a stellar press release condemning the “private option” or...

Nic Horton
Apr 2, 20132 min read
AAI Announces Medicaid Town Halls
If you’re like me, you’ve been startled to see allegedly conservative lawmakers heralding the wonders of expanding government in Arkansas...

Nic Horton
Apr 1, 20131 min read
Dissecting the “Private Option” With Paul Harrell
Below you will find my interview with Paul Harrell on The Paul Harrell Program from last week. We did two segments (as opposed to our...

Nic Horton
Apr 1, 20133 min read
Horrible Medicaid “Private Option” Now Found Deficient by Former “Private Option” Analyst/Cheerleade
The “private option” in a picture. I wrote last week that the air had been released from the Medicaid “private option” balloon and that...

Nic Horton
Mar 28, 20134 min read
The Verdict Is In: Time for Conservatives to Abandon the “Private Option”
For the last several weeks, we have heard a few Republican legislators explain the wonders of the Medicaid expansion that has newly been...

Nic Horton
Mar 27, 20136 min read
The Private Medicaid Option: From the Sphinx’s Mouth
Yesterday, I attended a meeting of conservative activists and legislators at the Capitol. Senator David Sanders and Representative Randy...

Nic Horton
Mar 21, 20132 min read
Medicaid: Speak Now, Or Forever Hold Your Peace
I’ve received some off-the-record criticism just for recounting Michael Cannon’s opinions on health care reform the other day (boy, wait...

Nic Horton
Mar 19, 20134 min read
The State of Health Care “Reform” in Arkansas
Today I went down to the luxurious Capitol cafeteria to hear the Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon speak on the current state of Obamacare...

Daniel Greenberg
Mar 18, 20131 min read
Do I Hear Cannon in the Distance?
What’re you doing tomorrow? If you said anything other than “Going to hear Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon speak about health care policy...

Nic Horton
Feb 2, 20133 min read
Saving Medicaid: Sensible, Free-Market Based Reforms for Arkansas
Mike Beebe can make it rain money — we just have to say “yes.” I was shocked to hear Governor Beebe in his “state of the state” address a...

Nic Horton
Jan 26, 20132 min read
Let’s Make Arkansas #1 in Education!
I know we’re already “5th in education” in Arkansas, so we should probably just declare victory and move on to other more meaningful...

Nic Horton
Jan 22, 20132 min read
Dan Greenberg Is Everywhere!
Exhibit A: Dan Greenberg, in a chair, thinking — for which he is presumably being paid. Advance Arkansas Institute’s very own Dan...

Nic Horton
Jan 17, 20135 min read
Math Over Emotion: Why Governor Beebe Is Wrong on Medicaid Expansion
Medicaid expansion in a picture. When Governor Mike Beebe took to the podium on Tuesday for his “state of the State” speech to the...

Nic Horton
Jan 10, 20133 min read
Advancing Arkansas: Incoming Speaker Carter Seeks Tax Reform Debate
I recently sat down with incoming Speaker of the House Davy Carter to discuss his plans for the legislative session that begins on...

Nic Horton
Jan 2, 20133 min read
Advancing Arkansas: Rep. David Meeks Focusing on Medicaid Reform, State Sovereignty
My latest in a series of fantastic interviews with state legislators about their plans for the upcoming session (if I do say so myself)...

Nic Horton
Dec 7, 20123 min read
Advancing Arkansas: Biviano Eyes Medicaid, Tax, Education Reforms
Yesterday I visited with state Rep. Mark Biviano (R-Searcy) for our Advancing Arkansas interview series, previewing the upcoming...

Nic Horton
Dec 6, 20121 min read
In the News: State Lawmakers Talk Medicaid Expansion
A few Arkansas legislators were featured in a story this week by The Washington Post regarding the battle over Medicaid expansion in the...

Nic Horton
Oct 9, 20126 min read
BFF: Kyle Osborne Hearts Mike Beebe, And Other Things I Learned Monday Night
Last night, I witnessed the Searcy debate between incumbent Rep. Mark Biviano and his Democrat challenger Kyle Osborne. If the voters...

Nic Horton
Oct 1, 20123 min read
Trashing “Trashing Arkansas”
For about a week now, Governor Mike Beebe has seized just about every available opportunity to launch visceral attacks against our...

Nic Horton
Aug 24, 20122 min read
Arkansas Roundup, August 24
An Arkansas Project flashback. Here’s a look at some policy & political happenin’s from around Arkansas this week: Pass the brownies:...

Nic Horton
Jul 13, 20122 min read
Arkansas: The World Of Sweet Entitlements
Last night, I attended a health care town hall meeting in Conway, along with about 100 other people. The discussion was hosted by Senator...
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