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The Arkansas Project was launched in 2008 as a source for incisive commentary and reporting on Arkansas government, politics, media and more. In 2011, The Arkansas Project became an affiliate of the Advance Arkansas Institute. The Arkansas Project supplied daily commentary until 2019, but is now largely inactive.
David Kinkade was the chief writer and the editor of The Arkansas Project until 2011. After the site became affiliated with the Advance Arkansas Institute, Dan Greenberg was editor of The Arkansas Project until it became inactive in 2019. During that eight-year period, the writers for the site included Nic Horton, Marc Kilmer, and Caleb Taylor.

Marc Kilmer
Oct 5, 20182 min read
Work Requirement is Working
If you are an able-bodied Arkansan on Medicaid, should you work or be looking for work? In Arkansas, the answer is “yes,” at least for a...

Marc Kilmer
Aug 21, 20182 min read
Learning from Arizona’s Medicaid Expansion
Whether it was called the “Private Option” or “Arkansas Works,” TAP has always pointed out the problems that would come with expanding...

Marc Kilmer
Mar 6, 20182 min read
Medicaid Work Requirement Gets Green Light
Governor Asa Hutchinson scored a big win yesterday when the Trump Administration approved state plans to impose a work requirement on its...

Marc Kilmer
Jan 23, 20183 min read
Medicaid Expansion Proving Costly
Governor Asa Hutchinson announced his budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Surprise! Medicaid is going to cost a lot more next year than...

Marc Kilmer
Sep 25, 20173 min read
Medicaid's New $3 Million Liability
Last month, Arkansas Medicaid agreed to repay the federal government $3 million in compensation — due to mistakes in health care...

Caleb Taylor
Aug 30, 20172 min read
Poll: Majority Support Medicaid Work Requirements
A majority of Americans support requiring Medicaid enrollees to have a job in order to be eligible for the program, according to a recent...

Caleb Taylor
Aug 14, 20173 min read
Retroactive Coverage Change Would Save Taxpayers Millions
The Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) is planning on implementing a new change to Arkansas Works next month that would save...

Marc Kilmer
Aug 1, 20174 min read
No, Arkansas Isn’t “The Model” For America On Healthcare
Should America emulate Arkansas’s expansion of Medicaid through Obamacare? That’s what State Rep. Michael John Gray, the chairman of the...

Marc Kilmer
Jul 26, 20172 min read
Arkansas Health Insurers Ask State For Another Round Of Rate Hikes
Arkansas health insurance companies selling Obamacare plans are asking for rate increases as high as 22 percent in 2018. According to the...

Marc Kilmer
Jun 30, 20172 min read
Arkansas Officially Submits Waiver Request For AR Works Changes
Gov. Asa Hutchinson officially submitted a new waiver to the federal government today. The waiver asked for new reforms to the “Arkansas...

Marc Kilmer
Jun 29, 20173 min read
Here’s Gov. Hutchinson’s “Big Problem” With The Senate Healthcare Bill
Arkansas has a “big problem” on the horizon if the Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act becomes law, according to Gov. Asa Hutchinson....

Marc Kilmer
Jun 5, 20173 min read
Senate Obamacare Repeal-And-Replace Bill Coming This Summer?
Legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare could pass the Senate by the end of summer, according to Sen. John Cornyn. A spokesman for...

Marc Kilmer
May 24, 20172 min read
DHS: Few Enrollees Working After Work Referral
A small number of enrollees in the Arkansas Works / Medicaid expansion program attempted to find employment after receiving a work...

Marc Kilmer
May 3, 20173 min read
More On Recent Medicaid Expansion Reforms
Is it cruel to ask Medicaid expansion enrollees to pay monthly premiums in exchange for taxpayer-subsidized health insurance? Opponents...

Marc Kilmer
May 2, 20172 min read
House and Senate Approve Medicaid Expansion Changes
Both the House and Senate approved changes to Gov. Hutchinson’s “Arkansas Works” Medicaid expansion on Tuesday. Those changes included in...

Marc Kilmer
May 1, 20172 min read
Medicaid Expansion Changes Pass House Committee
Members of the House Public Health, Welfare and Safety committee passed changes to Gov. Hutchinson’s “Arkansas Works” Medicaid expansion...

Marc Kilmer
Apr 20, 20172 min read
Cotton: More Rate Hikes Coming Without O’Care Repeal
Americans will continue to see bigger health insurance premiums and a smaller set of consumer options in 2018 unless Obamacare is...

Marc Kilmer
Apr 12, 20171 min read
Study: Medicaid Expansion Fails To Improve Health of Arkansas
Former President Bill Clinton praised Arkansas’s Medicaid expansion program earlier this week, but has the program actually improved the...

Caleb Taylor
Apr 21, 20152 min read
Report: Arkansas 36% Over 2014 PO Enrollment Projections
One of the consistent problems with big, new government entitlements is that politicians and bureaucrats usually understate or...

Caleb Taylor
Apr 16, 20152 min read
Forbes: Why Isn’t Arkansas Checking PO Enrollees’ Eligibility?
When you begin a huge new entitlement like Arkansas’s “private option” Medicaid expansion program, it’s always a good idea to check if...

Daniel Greenberg
Feb 2, 20153 min read
The Newest Private-Option Strategy: Let’s Start A Lawsuit Panic!
Apparently, private-option sympathizers are now arguing that ending the private option could leave the state vulnerable to a court...

Caleb Taylor
Jan 30, 20152 min read
Pence’s Plan: Déjà Vu For Arkansas Conservatives
It seems like it was just yesterday that “private option” advocates were calling the program a “model” for reform, and that other states...

Caleb Taylor
Dec 1, 20142 min read
Another PO Broken Promise: Medicaid Expansion Not A Job Creator
One of the many dubious claims about the “private option” Medicaid expansion was that it would be a “job creator” for the health-care...

Caleb Taylor
Oct 23, 20143 min read
McLean Desperately Attempting To Save O’Care In AR
As loyal readers of this humble blog know, state Rep. James McLean, inaugural member of the Davy Carter wing of the Democratic Party, has...
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