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The Arkansas Project was launched in 2008 as a source for incisive commentary and reporting on Arkansas government, politics, media and more. In 2011, The Arkansas Project became an affiliate of the Advance Arkansas Institute. The Arkansas Project supplied daily commentary until 2019, but is now largely inactive.
David Kinkade was the chief writer and the editor of The Arkansas Project until 2011. After the site became affiliated with the Advance Arkansas Institute, Dan Greenberg was editor of The Arkansas Project until it became inactive in 2019. During that eight-year period, the writers for the site included Nic Horton, Marc Kilmer, and Caleb Taylor.

Caleb Taylor
Dec 5, 20143 min read
Freshman Legislator: Freshman Legislators Aren’t Stupid, But Are Ignorant
The Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families road-show to save the “private option” (Medicaid expansion) got off to a...

Caleb Taylor
Sep 9, 20144 min read
PO “Raises Cost Concerns” For Feds
One of the phrases you’ll often hear from pro-private option legislators is that the private option “isn’t Medicaid expansion.” Well, it...

Nic Horton
May 12, 20145 min read
MIA: Senator King's "Patently False" Statement
Senator David Sanders Senator Bryan King has been an outspoken opponent of the Obamacare “private” option in the legislature. But while...

Nic Horton
May 9, 20143 min read
The Emerging Battle Between Taxpayer Advocates & "Private" Option Boosters
Yesterday at the Capitol, several lawmakers hosted a press conference to raise awareness about the cost overruns in the Obamacare...

Nic Horton
Mar 19, 20141 min read
New Footage From FGA: The ‘PO’ Is “ObamaCare’s Medicaid Expansion”
The Foundation for Government Accountability has released a new web video that highlights many of the broken promises of the Arkansas...

Nic Horton
Dec 6, 20132 min read
Voter ID Machines Installed In All 75 Arkansas Counties
Secretary of State Mark Martin recently announced that the implementation of the state’s photo-ID system is complete. The Secretary of...

Nic Horton
Nov 27, 20132 min read
Arkansas Obamacare Event Rewards Enrollees With Condoms!
Obamacare guide dumps a pile of condoms on the table at UCA. Another day, another Obamacare scandal! This time, it happened right here in...

Nic Horton
Oct 2, 20133 min read
Cooper Receives Endorsements From Republican Legislative All-Stars, Niell Receives Non-Endorsement E
Today, Jonesboro Senate District 21 candidate John Cooper announced he had received the endorsement of seven sitting legislators. In my...

Nic Horton
Jul 9, 20133 min read
Senator King: Beebe Should Call Special Session For Medicaid Expansion Repeal
State Senator Bryan King has just put out the following statement regarding Obamacare implementation and Medicaid expansion in the state....

Nic Horton
Mar 29, 20133 min read
Voter ID Veto Override Delayed Despite 77% Support
Two days ago, the Senate overrode Governor Beebe’s veto of the voter ID bill, SB2. The House was scheduled to vote on the override...

Nic Horton
Mar 6, 20132 min read
Will Voter ID Bankrupt Arkansas?
This morning, the House State Agencies Committee passed Sen. Bryan King’s voter ID bill (SB2) out of committee. It will now go to the...

Nic Horton
Feb 27, 20131 min read
Massachusetts State Rep. Admits Something Resembling Voter Fraud (or “Gives a Voice to the Leg
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Why does Nic Horton keep writing about voter fraud? Doesn’t he know what voter fraud does not exist?...

Nic Horton
Feb 20, 20131 min read
VIDEO: Senate Debates, Passes Voter ID Bill
Today, for the first time in state history, the Arkansas Senate passed a voter ID bill. The bill, SB2, carried with a bipartisan vote of...

Nic Horton
Feb 20, 20131 min read
Policy Mythbusters: AAI Debunks ‘Voter ID’ Myths in New Brief
OK, those thinkers over at the Advance Arkansas Institute have really done it this time: today they’ve released a new policy brief on SB...

Nic Horton
Feb 17, 20131 min read
VIDEO: King, Greenberg Testify in Favor of Voter ID Bill
It took a little longer than expected, but as promised, here is some video from Thursday’s Senate State Agencies Committee meeting at...

Nic Horton
Feb 14, 20135 min read
Latest ‘Church Carry’ Proposal Raises Constitutional Concerns
Do you want this sign displayed on your church door? As readers of this blog know, the Arkansas legislature passed a “church carry” bill...

Nic Horton
Feb 14, 20131 min read
Voter ID Bill Clears Senate Committee
Today, the Senate State Agencies Committee passed a voter ID bill for the first time in Arkansas history. The bill will now head to the...

Nic Horton
Feb 4, 20131 min read
Let’s Talk About Election Integrity!
Today, Advance Arkansas Institute President Dan Greenberg joined freedom fighter and all-around good guy Senator Bryan King to discuss...

Nic Horton
Jan 28, 20132 min read
Senate Passes Church Protection Act, Bill Heads to the House
Senator Bryan King, friend of the 2nd Amendment By a vote of 28-4, the Arkansas Senate has passed SB71, “The Church Protection Act.”...

Nic Horton
Jan 23, 20132 min read
Church Carry Clears Senate Committee, Senator Flowers Says Some Words
Today, SB71, “The Church Protection Act,” cleared its first hurdle towards becoming law. It was passed out of the Senate Judiciary...

Nic Horton
Jan 17, 20132 min read
Senator King Files “Church Carry” Bill
Don’t mess with Granny — even at church. Senator Bryan King, as promised, has filed a bill to allow churches and houses of worship to...

Nic Horton
Dec 22, 20122 min read
Merry Christmas From Your State Government: Church Carry, Planned Parenthood, & Supporting Isra
You’ve already heard a great deal about the vote on the Obamacare exchanges grant that happened this morning. But here are a few other...
Nic Horton
Dec 14, 20121 min read
Voter ID, Action Plan, & Cornball Brothers
Yesterday, I joined The Paul Harrell Program for our weekly segment on Arkansas politics, policy, and other stuff. We discussed Rep....

Nic Horton
Dec 13, 20122 min read
Senator-Elect Bryan King Files Voter ID Bills
No doubt many of you remember our friend Representative Bryan King (soon to be Senator King) who has been raising awareness about voter...
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